contract mining zimbabwe

contract mining zimbabwe

S. I.134 of 2022 CBA- Mining Industrydd - veritaszim

The Collective Bargaining Agreement: Mining Industry (General Conditions), 1990, published in Statutory Instrument 152 of 1990 is amended by the parties as follows—


S. I. 34 of 2024 CBA Mine Workersdd

Collective Bargaining Agreement: Mine Workers. IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare has, in terms of section 80(1) of the Labour


Mining industry of Zimbabwe - Wikipedia

The mining industry of Zimbabwe is highly diversified, with close to 40 different minerals. The predominant minerals mined by the industry include platinum, chrome, gold, coal, and diamonds. The country boasts the second-largest platinum deposit and high-grade chromium ores in the world, with approximately 2.8 billion tons of platinum group metals and 10 billion tons of chromium ore.



The Chamber of Mines Zimbabwe (COMZ) is a private sector voluntary organization established in 1939 by an Act of Parliament. The members include mining companies, suppliers of machinery, spare parts, and


Collective Bargaining Agreement: Mining Industry Chapter 28:01

2021.7.2  Memorandum of a collective bargaining agreement made and entered into in accordance with the provisions of the Labour Relations Act, 1985, between the


Mining Laws and Regulations Report 2024 Zimbabwe

2023.9.19  ICLG - Mining Laws and Regulations - Zimbabwe Chapter covers common issues in mining laws and regulations – including the acquisition of rights,


Whaleside Shaft Sinkers Mine Development Zimbabwe

In 1999, Whaleside Investments (Pvt) Ltd. entered its first mining contract with Zimbabwe Mining Smelting Company (Pvt) Ltd. (ZIMASCO) as an underground chrome mining contractor. This became the company’s


Plant and Equipment International – Zimbabwe mining,

Contract Mining. As the premier contract mining specialists in the country, we offer a wide array of services. Agriculture. From clearing your land to building your dam, PEI is here to make life easier for your


Calls for transparency in mining contracts grow louder

2020.10.4  THE surge in mining activities around the country has ignited calls for the Government to prioritise contract transparency within the extractive industry to avoid


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